
Exercise Log

Week 1 (8/7 - 8/13)
I ran all 5 work days over my lunch break, then did YogaSculpt on Saturday. I didn't start using a run tracking app until Thursday, so I will only start tracking runs from then on. I also tried really hard to limit my extra sugar intake, so only had a couple of candy-type things and a couple of sodas.
Will try to start taking progress pics this week so I at least get a "before" pic.

Thursday  - ran 1.81 miles in 24m18s
Friday - ran 1.77 miles in 22m10s
Saturday - YogaSculpt for 45m

Week 2 (8/14 - 8/20)
Last week was kind of an experiment as to what lunches will be best if I'm running and expending all the energy (and salt). Turns out cheese, crackers, and meat worked best. So I'm putting together my own 'lunchables'. Adding fruit and nuts as well.
Every day after running I've been doing a lot of stretching and doing 20 squats, 20 wall push-ups, and 20 crunches. My knee ended up hurting pretty bad for quite a few days, so I decided to rest it. I still did wall push-ups and crunches every day but Sunday.

Sunday - rest day
Monday - ran 1.89 miles in 23m19s
Tuesday - ran 2.08 miles in 24m57s
Wednesday - ran 1.80 miles in 20m56s
Thursday - knee is acting up, rest day :'(
Friday - rest day
Saturday - rest day

Week 3 (8/21 - 8/27)
My knee is feeling a little bit better, so I'm going to try and get back to my running regimen this week. I will wear a knee brace to try and keep it from getting so bad. I'm also going to do the Couch to 5k program to work into it.

Sunday - rest day
Monday - ran/walked 1.96 miles in 26m55s
Tuesday - rest day. Was going to walk, but ended up going out to lunch with my husband
Wednesday - ran/walked 1.96 miles in 26m46s
Thursday - rest day
Friday - ran/walked 2.04 miles in 26m16s
Saturday - rest day

Week 4 (8/28 - 9/3)

Sunday - rest day
Monday - ran/walked 2.03 miles in 26m13s

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