
November 1, 2016

Follow Ups & Flu Shots

Yesterday was quite a busy day. I had a follow up clinic appointment at 11am and since I'm out of vacation days I worked from 5-9, so I was up quite early to get ready (I'll be spending the rest of the week working through lunch to make up the other 4 hours). We left town at 9 and made it to Seattle just in time to check in.

My appointment went pretty well. My lung functions are up 6% which makes me extremely happy and helps to make it feel like all of the extra treatments I do now are worth it. It's a huge relief to have my lung function be closer to 90% than to 80%!

My husband tried to get video of me doing my PFT, but the RT kept standing in his way. One of these days I'll be able to get a video so I can show you just how much fun blowing into a machine is. I didn't have to do much else at this appointment since it was just a follow up to see how the Pulmozyme is doing. Now I just have to wait for the results of my sputum culture to see if I grow Pseudomonas and have to repeat the treatment for that.

I also got my flu shot, so I'm going to add a little PSA here about how everyone should get a flu shot. You may not think you need it because you don't fit the stereotypical mold of being sick or elderly, but it helps protect everyone around you. I loved that last year we had them done at work, since I figured it would cause more people to get them instead of having to go on their own and therefore I would get sick less. Unfortunately they weren't offered this year, so I'm hoping it's a mild flu season.

After I was released, we treated ourselves to some lunch and shopping to make a day of it in the city. Got back to town in time to get dinner and catch up on The Walking Dead.
**We didn't get to watch it on Sunday night because we were busy watching the Sounders smash Dallas in their playoff game;)

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