
August 10, 2016

Getting to Know Other CFers

Cystic Fibrosis can be a very isolating disease. Infections can be passed pretty easily between CFers, causing it to be dangerous to be together, so there is a rule that we aren't supposed to be within 6 feet of each other (the exclusion to this is siblings, since they are around each other all the time and most likely have the same bacteria). Because of this we can't have really support groups or friends that know what you're going through. At clinic visits they hurry us through the corridors and all patient rooms are kept closed. The only way you can even tell that other CFers are there is by the sound of coughing coming through the walls.

Instagram posts - I like to keep it a mix of
day to day life and my jigglyknits items.
You can follow me @jigglyknits
It is a lot better now with the internet and social media, us CFers can chat, commiserate, and offer advice. A group is starting a YouTube channel where they'll post videos about living with CF and another group is putting on BreatheCon this year (all going to be done digitally of course). I share pictures of my everyday life with CF and my jigglyknits creations on Instagram and follow several others with CF. I have to say I get a bit excited with every new follow.

While it's great to be able to meet and get to know other CFers there is a down side. Before, when I had never met anyone else with CF, I only knew my story and my experiences living with CF, which I can't stress enough are not that bad. Now, I see all of these amazing people that are fighting so hard and have low lung functions, and are in and out of the hospital constantly, and it's painful to see what is probably my fate. It's hard to say because I have been so healthy and only hospitalized once, but I do know that it's a real possibility as my lung functions have started to decrease over the last few years. It can be extremely depressing, but it can also be very inspiring. It makes me want to run every day and eat right and take care of myself to stay healthy for as long as possible. It makes me want to live each day to the fullest and not let my CF get in the way. So thank you to all of the other CFers out there that inspire me everyday to be better in every way!

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