
August 15, 2016


Since my lung functions have started to go down and I spent all winter being sick, I decided that it was time to really take action and start using my vest for airway clearance. Up until this point my doctors have said that my vest is just 'use as needed'. Well as I was gathering up some knitting supplies so I had something to do while using my vest, my husband said "why don't you sell whatever you make and donate the money to CF research, you can call it jigglyknits". (we have always called my vest the jiggly vest, since, it shakes so much while its working)

I kind of brushed him off and went on with my treatment, but as I sat there the idea started to percolate and it sounded like a really good way to raise awareness and help raise some money for the CF Foundation. I started an etsy shop and now I put everything that I make while doing my vest treatments on there. I've sold a few items and I can say that it feels pretty good to send the profits to the CF Foundation!

I created a facebook page & Instagram account to help advertise jigglyknits, which has then led to writing this blog. I never used to really talk about my CF as I was able to hide it pretty well from anyone that I wasn't super close to, but doing all of this over the last 6 months has led me to realized that if I don't talk about it, then I'm really hurting everyone that has CF. There are only so many of us, so the more that it's talked about and the more people are aware of it, the better chance that someday there will be a cure.

To own a jigglyknits creation of your own, you can visit my etsy shop or you can donate directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to help fund research to cure CF.

It's been a pretty crazy summer with travel and visitors, and I actually haven't really been doing too much of my vest. It's still sort of habit to not have to do it. I was moving all of my equipment around the house depending on which room we had guests in which made it easier to talk myself out of using it, so this weekend I organized the spare bedroom/craftroom/office to have a dedicated jigglyknits corner. I'm pretty excited about it and am ready to be able to add more to my shop!

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