
October 8, 2016

Fitting In

I just got done attending the first BreatheCon, a virtual conference for adults with CF. It was quite
something to get to meet so many other people with CF and hear their stories!

I have to say that I didn't say too much in each session beyond introducing myself. As I listened to some of the other people talk, I felt that I shouldn't share my story too much. Yes I have CF and that gives me several things in common with them, but I don't feel comfortable trying to get someone that's in their 20s with a 30% lung function to commiserate with me about just now having to start a "typical" CF protocol.

Attending BreatheCon 2016
At one session the discussion came around to some of these new CF drugs (that I don't qualify for because of my mutations) and how they've kept people out of the hospital and off of IV antibiotics for a year. How can I possibly come in and say that I've only ever been hospitalized and on IV antibiotics once in my whole life without sounding like a smug asshole? So I didn't say anything and just nodded in appreciation of how great these new drugs are for cystic fibrosis.

CF is already very isolating, but when you don't fit the "mold" of a person with CF it can be even more so. I walk this weird line every day, I'm not healthy because I do have CF, but I'm not sick enough to really be a part of the CF community and I'm not sure how to deal with that and I've honestly struggled with it for my whole life. I was really hoping to meet some other people in the same situation, but either they weren't at the conference or I just didn't end up in any sessions with them.

So I'm left feeling a little disappointed, but at the same time a little inspired by some of these amazing people that deal with so much on a daily basis and take it all with such grace. I can only hope that when it does come time for me to go through some of this I can handle it half as well as they do.


  1. I've really appreciate your honesty and have found it really valuable in learning more about CF...keep sharing your never know who you may be helping!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for the encouragement! It really couldn't have come at a better time :)
